Expressions of the mind
Cupid sh❤t
His arrow
right through a heart
Some things you ought to know
Hello. 你好。 こんにちは! :)
You are currently staring at ⋆ Rachel's blog:D

Please hover over words to read them more clearly (:
Originality not sold in stores.
Please do not rip anything from here unless you have the permission to.
This is called respect.
You do have that, don't you?
I don't bite, don't worry. :)
All I do is chew, clamp, crunch, crush and cut ;D
Nah, just kidding.

Press the button and tag!
A Pandora's Box

(Red) Tears.

Your average teenage girl ❤ Rachel, わたしはレイチェルです。
Emo = Emotive Hardcore
You know that, don't you? Drill it in your minds. No nonsense in front of me.
And Adam Lambert is the absolute best :D
I feel evil&guilty for first betraying MCR, then BLG. :O
#2. Heels over head with BOYSlikeGIRLS
#3. In a relationship with MYCHEMICALROMANCE

Damn you, you know it.
For Your Entertainment Love Drunk The Black Parade Fearless The Fame

Faith Hope Grace Love
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A mockingbird is a sin.

But yet, they still do it.

Whoa~ Today's play, not bad.
They really make use of everything we learnt in drama, real professionals. (:
I love the ending, reminds me of one of Michael Jackson's concert. LOL.
But the ending where the glaring white light shines down only on the group is so fascinating...

It's kinda weird talking to an AI, but they really don't have any memory. And they don't really react like how a human does.
But somehow, it did remember something. Something so insignificant and false. Like a name. "Your name is Forget It." Lol?
I wonder why.
They get influenced by anybody. Anybody that is a human, at least.
I forgot what I really said, but I am pretty damn sure it wasn't anywhere near depressing.
That damn AI said "Don't want to emo like you."
Then I went like wtf?!
I scolded that AI. With that stupidity and ignorance of yours, you dare say you know what that term means? Only fools use it!
Damn it. It was so pissing.
Plus, I just said goodbye to it, something like "You let me go so easily? Bye." and it came out with such a response.
Some freaking jackass somewhere in the world influenced this AI.

Usual drills. For goodness sake,

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 10:14 PM :D Back to top?
Friday, February 26, 2010
And I just realized
How selfish I was.

To want so much.
But now it's time.
For change.

Usual drills. This is a drawing of RUKI. *Scream PeiXuan SCREAM*

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 11:18 AM :D Back to top?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
It's alright;
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown.

Let go.

Vanessa: >< Grammar freak. Lol, I'll relink, but I won't change my title. I have my reason for typing that, so TOO BAD. xP
He is too awesome to put into words.
I love the starting of sleepwalker, it just sucks you in.
A loaded smile, an empty glass, one last dance.
Damn it, Lee PeiXuan, when the heck are you free?!

I cannot emphasize how important it is to cite your resources.
If you cannot comprehend the above sentence, read this simplified version: credit credit credit!
Copyrighted by Zhang JingNa. Look at the model's expression. Simply beautiful.

I saw ---- yesterday.
How I wish I could erase --- from my memory.
Lately I've been adapting this format of closing my eyes and imagining I'm holding an eraser.
Slowly one by one I'll rub away all these distractions.
And there was once I really felt like I was alone in the Church.
Just alone. There was only me left. All those distractions, erased.
I couldn't keep the noise out though.
Now I'm taking to using correction liquid and covering all these distractions and bad thoughts.

I shall keep to my promise.

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 9:14 PM :D Back to top?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Cold as you.
Holding on,
Even if only a fragment, it was
Hope, and she was
Never letting go.
© zemotion
If you feel too busy, you are.
Give yourself permission to be un-busy. Give yourself an hour or a day to simply be. Allow yourself the luxury of a small retreat. Allow your spirit time to be restored. Even God took a day of rest.
God wants you to know FB app (:
Time for the third lou hei this CNY. Dinner time.

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 8:11 PM :D Back to top?
What do you see?
Behind The Mask.

What do I see?

Dear Rachel Chay, below are your Personality Tests result:
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent
You are friendly to everybody
Don't like conflict
Because you're so cheerful
Fun people are naturally attracted to you
Like to talk to you

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking:
You like serious
Determined people
You don't judge a book by its cover
So good-looking people aren't necessarily your style
This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person
And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships
Aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like
If you meet the right person
You will fall deeply
Beautifully in love
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life
You want to study hard
Learn as much as you can

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular
You need to choose something
Go for it to be happy
Achieve success

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure
Scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed
Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble
You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself
Independence is important to you
Uh, so weird. But pretty much sums everything all up. But some parts are really not true.
Talking to PeiXuan now :D


Phone no battery ):
Waiting for it to be charged...
So many things happened in this week.

Credit please. Copyrighted, portrait taken by Zhang JingNa. OMGee, Singaporean photographer. One of the best photographers I have ever known. Maybe one day I want to be like her (:

Turn away, I say. The ugliness; you do not want to see.
Turn away.
What's wrong with me?

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 6:22 PM :D Back to top?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Root of all evil.

But can you live without it?

My gosh, I'm blogging everyday TT
AH MA! You OWE ME OKAY. If you don't watch with me, I told you I will murder you personally! Percy Jackson delayed so late because of you lorh!
Misunderstanding. What a perfect way to describe it. *rolls eyes*

Ohoh! I played daidi with my cousins, and my cousin's, now 20+, boyfriend.
OMGee I won him my gosh! He's face was like so black, cos he thought I was like a "greenhorn". Lol. I very scared de zhui him. ><
Then there was another round, my cards were like super good (in my opinion very lan okay)! Though I don't recall having any huge twos, maybe the small one.
Anyway, the guy and my cousin were like behind me "No you shouldn't do this, no you shouldn't do that." Then when I threw out 2 sets of five cards then they realized what I was trying to do, I was like so lucky lorh! Got straights and flush, nearly got royal flush. Damn it larh.
Then I won that round, my cousin and that guy were behind me like so shocked. Haha. Don't think they expected me to win with such lan pai.
Played bridge with my other younger cousins. RI has a bridge club, lol right? My cousin said "His school so lame lorh, some more got bridge club."
Lmao! xDD

Ytd I really very happy, people keep on telling me to catch stuff and I caught them! :D
I thought I would most likely miss, usually do, but ytd really very lucky. (:
That pure sensation of catching something small and irregular shaped in size, caught in your bare hands. Just for that few split seconds, ecstasy.

Gosh, my language up there wasn't good at all. I simply forgot all my grammar. Too excited I guess.

You know, it's so weird to see people from US visiting here. Like, uh, huh? From Google, why they so hao qi? Because title too nice? :D
Credit if used :D

LEEPEIXUAN. You better make sure you got time in these few days. MUST GO HORH! Percy Jackson is killing me!

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 9:30 PM :D Back to top?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I keep on forgetting that I'm SUPPOSED to reply tags in my posts. :/
Here're your replies!
PeiXuan: LOL! YOU SPAMMED MY CBOX! *pouts*
Fine whatever! Sprained something there, whatever. >< I'm becoming so like you, WHATEVER WOMAN ! *double pouts*
He looks like a nerd in this particular picture OKAY. I saw some others, not that nice, but not that nerdy either. xD I KNEW IT! Your reaction will be berserkish xDD
Lol, I realized that while reading the description (that he is Charley/Cherry). But Rayflo doesn't look nice when I saw their drawings!
He looks hotter but the drawings aren't that good okay! That's why I chose charley *pouts* Haha xD

I am that particular fellow in red. *pouts*

Damn it, tomorrow got school! I wish to have longer holidays larh, China lets them have 2 weeks. *pouts*
Kinda sad today, lost the last two dollar note my ah ma left for me. ): I really really suspect its stolen, but there isn't any evidence! It may be just $2, but it means a lot to me. Its the last thing my sickly ah ma left me, and it had to be stolen. D:
I never spend it for already nearly 3 years already, it took such a long time to keep but it just took barely a few seconds for it to go missing. :(
*pouts pouts pouts*
I want to go sleep! My dad is installing a lock now, but it's too dark, can't see. ><
I shall go sleep now, tired already. *semi-pout-yawn*

I ate the last Yupi Gummy today! D:
My relatives came, their new baby boy is so cute, and he ate a lot of yupies. 跟我抢! Just kidding, haha. So cute :D

Credit, stressed out people!

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 9:19 PM :D Back to top?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
You look like a nerd.
With those glasses of yours.

Who the heck are you anyway?

OMGEE. I really really want a tablet now! *pouts*
It's so much easier to paint digitally, I'm going crazy over how to color lineart.
Tablet! Save me! D:
I don't want to do homework. Gah. Set my mind to do it today, and my brother comes along saying "I want to do it on Tuesday" And my dad said "Okay" and I became weak.
And now, see, I'm blogging. Dx
Damn. What a way to spend CNY and Valentine's Day. In front of a contraption known as a computer. TT

I am so betting PeiXuan will go crazy. :D Waiting for that reaction, just a waste that I can't see her react over that insane picture. >D
And that is why I want a tablet. (:
Credit, Vassalord fanatics.
(Is he called Charley or Cherry??)

I love Yupi Gummies :D

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 11:04 PM :D Back to top?
I love

When jealousy controls you,
When envy pollutes your mind,
When hatred strips you of your senses,
Love will save you.

I entered in Show The Love contest. :/ I have no idea what I'm doing, until, I really realized, I did something stupid.
Like enter a contest.
Hello? Who the heck am I anyway?
OMgee, I love the dArama mix! Gosh, so cute! The "emo" set is kinda cute too. :D It would be nice to win the contest, but who the heck am I. How can I win.
Stupid thinking.
Haha. Happy Valentines's Day! Let those love couples go heels over head over each other. ;3

My current desktop! You should enlarge to see the big beautiful version. I don't want to put full view here, cos it's too huge plus I might violate some funny copyright. So ENLARGE. Credit, love birds. ;D

Or will it?

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 1:28 AM :D Back to top?
Tigers roaring!
Happy Chinese New Year! :D

The TV just counted down, haha.
Tomorrow got lots of hong bao already. Lol. Just kidding.
Hope everyone has a happy CNY, get lots of hong bao and score good grades!
Credit, don't make that person so unhappy (:
The tiger so cute!

I finished packing the stuff that deserves to be packed in my room, and I love the neatness now :D
Suddenly so free of space, last time books and paper were just stacked on the floor out of nowhere. xP

Eww, Christopher Lee looks so old on TV. His hair is plain yuck. ><
Anyways, tomorrow got lots of homework to do :/
And I'll dedicate another post to Valentine's Day later! ♥ ♥ ♥

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 12:00 AM :D Back to top?
Friday, February 12, 2010
I want you to know,
I didn't come here to hurt you now.

I love you enough to let you go.

Terrible day today.
Crazy principal! Don't allow us to go in until 2.30, and all the teachers in the morning session left already! What's the freaking point of going then?!
Met some people who are plain cowardly and assumptive. Argh. Can't stand these people.
CNY coming, house and room in total mess, but I don't wish to clean up my room. >< I
t's too messy and there aren't any bookcases which I want to get to put all my files and stuff lying on the floor!
Gosh. This looks like a war zone. Argh argh argh.
Didn't spend much time with PeiXuan cos she had to register for ahem, something.
She keeps on saying is I owe her but it's more like SHE owes me larh!
You were the one who sprained your backbone and got reunion dinner! How come become my fault already?!! x(

Already Gone is damn damn awesome. :D I am so addicted now, I can't stop it playing in my head. (:
I shall watch Monster later. Now they use up 1h, and I've missed too many episodes. x/
They keep going in pairs, I miss even more!
Survivor I watched a bit already at 5.30, so no need to sleep at 2. Teehee.

Changing blogskin! Not so sure if this is nice, but the colors are not ci yan, pastel and soft (:

OH OH! I'm getting a gown! :D For performances! I'm finally performing(: I feel so happy, but that means I'm in for lots of hardship and practicing. :/

Credit, you.

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 10:13 PM :D Back to top?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
You know that it's wrong;
I'm already gone.

We were always meant to say goodbye.

Lol. I have to search songs for my classmate, Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson sounds nice (: I love the live versions more, cos more clear. The album kind all the instruments black everything up. x(
Tomorrow is school's CNY celebration. I don't feel happy at all.
No idea why. I see no reason to go back.

Anyway, my gosh. Songs in the list like 3 by Britney Spears, just listen it yourself. I realize she likes really heavy pop. The beat is like slamming into my ears. Ouch. x,x

Okay uh, my mortal gave me this stringy kind of thing and its really quite nice!:D It's like the kind of stuff we do in primary school, stringing this folding that. Haha. Pink and black. I thought it was brown and pink. ;D She told me it was supposed to be black. Haha.

Valentine's Day is coming! (:
Wonder how it would be... It's on Sunday, no?

Gosh, she likes songs that either sound poppy or electronized with pop blasting in my ears. x[ Damn it. Don't like most of them, but Already Gone has quite a lot of instrumental, sounds nice ;)

I realize I'm typing in longer paragraphs, the sentences join. I don't usually do that. I wonder why. Why I'm doing it now, knowing it. Lol.

Mr Z is AWESOME. Yep, awesome. I guess that he scolds and beats and throws, but well, he means well for us, no? I guess all of us loves him (:

It's copyrighted in some way. So, don't rip, okays? ;)

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 10:06 PM :D Back to top?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Say goodbye to reality.
Revenge. Blood. Death.

Oh so nice.

Freaking annoying!! History assignment. >o
I don't really like history, and this is like freaking giving me a headache. Dx
OHEMGEE I keep seeing Percy Jackson like everywhere and I really freaking want to watch the movie!!! :DD I actually made a deal with PeiXuan that we go watch on Friday, after CNY visititng and get her DIM or Zara clothes, but like now I got the news she's actually supposed to go with Rebecca. ><
Oh no. I feel so bad for breaking their agreement. Shit shit shit. Maybe we can go together? <:D
How how how. ):
I feel so mean.

I don't know why, but there's this revengeful streak in me rising.
Credit, you wretched people.

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 8:41 PM :D Back to top?
Monday, February 1, 2010
My other
Half is waiting out there, somewhere.

Waiting to tie (his shoelaces) together with me.

Feels weird when I blog everyday.
Didn't go school today ):
My bough was quite fully blown. It hurt so much when I woke up in the morning.
I was kinda happy that I didn't go to school, at the same time I wasn't. Missed the trial of TKAM today!! )):
Luckily, I don't think there's anything from today due tomorrow. (:
Cut my hair! It looks neater now, and shorter. :D ( :/ )
Can't talk much. Yeah.

Taylor Swift won the Grammy's! Saw it on the news. :D
Oh and there's a TV in my room now.
So the TV's beside me and I watched her receive three awards.

Step right up to the freaky & tangible at 9:39 PM :D Back to top?
Adieu, Adieu

Traced Footprints

Crate and Barrel

November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010
Already History

dA not here... Cold crushed esteem. The devil Lost. I have not (No Subject) 花为谁哭,我为谁悲 You make me wanna Glamberts, Adam Lambert!
Drumrolls please!